Monday, December 14, 2009

Intuitions!!! Are they right always???

Do you have intuitions about things often?? or some times called as the sixth sense, does it work for you??
Well, it has always worked for me... good or bad my intuitions have always helped me... ok.. if not always atleast most of the times it has helped me...

with time, these intuitions come to my mind more often... its been many weeks now.. and i ve a strange feeling... I really dont know what it is or what is that feeling trying to hint towards... but its making me very uneasy and day by day i am going more uncomfortable ..... or to use the right word... i am scared...

ya thats wat it is... i am scared... of wat ??? I really dont know... my intuitions indicate that in some time something wrong is gonna happen with me... something which is not good at all... something which is gonna be very big... something which is going to change my life totally... and the bottom line is... Its not gonna be good... this feeling has been troubling me from many weeks now... and because of it i am imagining all wrong things .....

i am not finding a way to come out of it... in a way i am preparing my for the worst... but then, i really dont know what wrong is going to happen... I feel like i am going to lose something or someone very important to me... and i dont know why but i ve been feeling like this a lot these days...

Am I being very concerned about something/someone that this feeling is troubling me so much.. I really dont know... sometimes i just feel like crying... for what???? I don't know :( but i am very upset from two days..

Off course i am not showing it off to others... i am smiling and giggling and being all happy before others but something is breaking inside.. and its hurting big time... my heart is aching.... I know it sounds like too melodramatic but its true...

i am not able to explain it well.. i agree there are quite a many things about which i am worried but then, i am not able to figure out as to which of it (or something else) is troubling me so much that i am feeling so uneasy so scared.. so depressed....
i am not liking to be like this but i am very upset... everynight before i go to bed i dont feel the happiness from inside... instead i feel so tired of the fake smile i ve been spreading around... its not that i don't like the company of others or i don't love them... but then something is stopping me from being myself..

i am too worried inside... i am too concerned... i am being too sensitive day by day... and i know its not doing any good to me...

GOD!!!!! do you mind giving me a little strength in overcoming this... i don't wanna be like this .... I don't understand why am i feeling so miserable... i shouldn't be miserable about anything... i have loving family, good job, caring frnds then why should i feel bad... pls get me out of this... this feeling is killing me inside... pls...

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