Friday, September 18, 2009

his rudeness or my over friendliness??

It was closed to nine thirty or ten when I sent a text message to this newly made friend of mine. We have few common friends and one of them has her birthday this Tuesday. I was asking him last night (thro gtalk) if we could plan a surprise b'day party for her or something. I told him that I ll plan out something and let everyone know. But only this morning I realized that I am actually going out of town on tuesday so it wont be possible for me to be there on her birthday.

I dint message him the whole day thinking he must be at work and i shouldn't disturb. Sometime back I sent him a text message regretting my unavailability for the birthday. and we just exchanged two three messages and suddenly he says - excuse me mam. i am out now. :(

It was like slamming a door on my face. How am i suppose to know he is out... and for gods sake, there are hundred better ways to say that he is busy... why does he have to be so rude to me??? Just because I talk, keep making fun and behave kiddish doesn't mean i am stupid. I ve self respect.

Sometimes I feel its my mistake to be so nice to strangers... cos many of them don't deserve this good behavior.

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