Monday, September 21, 2009


Today while suddenly chatting to a frnd,came up the topic of siblings. And this thought or feeling came into my mind. I felt as if I ve been deprived of the happiness of having a sibling who can - talk to you, love you, teach you things , learn from you, fight with you, compete with u, be ur best pal, same time be the most irritating person of earth...and so on..

How I wish I had someone to share all these feelings with :( but then I also see tht my sister gave me a reason to live, to do something, its because of her tht i ve some dreams, a vision of my future. I am wat i am mostly because of her. Its the wish of giving her a good future made me so serious about my life and my desires..

I dont know if I shud be sad or glad. All i know is I love her and may god never bring such a day in my life whr my love and care for her reduces even a little.. I love you and will always do dear sis :) God Bless You....

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